Our Gift Shop & Our Thrift Store

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Gift Shop

The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Gift Shop offers a variety of religious items such as rosaries, wall crucifixes, and greeting cards for the birthdays of priests and anniversaries of their ordination.

We particularly feature Reawakening Hope,

an inspirational book by Father Kingsley Ihejirika,

based on his early charitable works

for the people of Nigeria.

The Gift Shop is located on the first floor

of the parish office building

(87 Beacon Street, Florence MA 01062).

It is open Saturdays from 10 AM—2 PM, and by request.

For further information, please call 413-584-7310

Monday through Friday, 09 AM—3:30 PM,

or email Theresa Bimbane at tbimbane@msn.com 


Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Thrift Store

Located in the parish office building

at 87 Beacon Street in Florence,

the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Thrift Store

is staffed by friendly volunteers.

We are open Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM. 

Donated by parishioners and the Northampton community,

our merchandise offers something for everyone, including: 

  • children’s books, toys, and games 

  • fabric, yarn, craft supplies, picture frames, and artwork  

  • furniture, small appliances, and other household items 

  • candles and seasonal decorations 

  • jewelry, linens, pocketbooks, antiques, collectibles, and more 


Each year the Thrift Shop also conducts special sales

with items that fill an entire room. These events include our: 

  • Jewelry Sale 

  • Christmas and Holiday Sale 

  • Linens and Things Sale 

All proceeds go directly to the parish. Donations are accepted at the Thrift Store on Saturdays from 9 AM to 1 PM. To donate at other times, or if you are interested in volunteering, please call one of our managers: Pat Shaughnessy at 413-584-6068, or Barbara Kaczenski at 413-586-1498. 

Thrift Store Hours:

Saturdays, 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.

Closed during July and August