Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical Ministries offer parishioners various opportunities to contribute time and talents to the celebration of Mass. If you are interested in serving the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton community in any of these ministries, please contact the Parish Office at 413-584-7310.
Ushers and Greeters
Ushers and greeters welcome the community before Mass and assist in taking up the collection. Men and women of all ages are welcome to participate in this ministry.
Lectors deliver announcements before Mass begins, and proclaim the Word of God during Mass through reading selections from Sacred Scripture. They also lead responses to the Prayer of the Faithful. Training is available.
Extraordinary Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion and bring Holy Communion to the homebound.
Altar Servers
Both school age children and adults assist as altar servers in Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton parish. With the support of their parents or guardians, serving God at the altar can be an important element of a child's spiritual growth. This ministry is open to all young members of our parish in fourth grade or above who have received their First Communion. Third graders in the last months of the school year are also eligible. Please note: Every effort will be made to accommodate scheduling preferences, but may not always be possible.
Sacristans aid the priest in preparing the sanctuary for liturgy and in tidying after Mass.
They also open the church before Mass and lock it after Mass.
The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Choirs lead the congregation in prayerful song. Choirs sing at the following Masses:
Sundays 9:30 AM at the Chapel
Sundays at 11:00 AM at the Church
Sundays at 12:30 PM, at the Chapel (Spanish Mass)
Singers and musicians of all abilities and levels of involvement are welcome. If you are interested in joining one of the Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton choirs, please contact director Doug Almanzar: 413-320-3960 d.almanzar@hotmail.comor the Parish Office at 413-584-7310.