Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Faith Religious Education

The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish community fosters a safe environment to nurture and deepen the spiritual beliefs of students within the context of their Catholic faith. The Religious Education Program encompasses moral development, sacramental preparation, liturgical and community activities. Faith Formation aims to help students develop a strong understanding of Catholic teachings, values, and traditions, while nurturing a personal relationship with God, and a sense of community within the Catholic Church.

St Elizabeth Ann Seton Religious Education Classes Schedule

Spring 2024 schedule

Faith Formation / Religious Education Classes Schedule

MARCH   ~  JUNE 2024

March 3 :     K - 9

March 10 :   K - 6

March 17, 24, 31    No Classes

April 7     K – 9     Circle of Grace

April 14   K - 9

April 21    No Classes  - School Vacation

 April 27,  Saturday:  Reconciliation

                                     First Communion and Confirmation classes

                                     10:00AM  -  Chapel

April 28    K- 9

May 5       K – 9

May 12     No Classes

May 18, Saturday:    First Communion Rehearsal  - 10:00AM   -- Chapel

May 19   K – 9

May 26   No Classes  - Memorial Day

June 1,   Saturday :  First Communion  - 10:00AM - Chapel

June 2    K – 9           Last Day of Classes

June 5,  Thursday:   Confirmation Rehearsal  -   6:00PM  – 7:00PM – Church

June 9,  Sunday :     Confirmation  - 2:00PM  - Church


Grades Pre-K through 6


By phone: 413-584-7310

In person: At the Parish Center after the 9:30 AM Children’s Mass

Classes for Grades Pre-K through 6 meet each Sunday morning, 10:30 AM—11:30 AM

Grades 7 through 11


By phone: 413-584-7310

In person: 10 minutes before and after class

Classes for Grades 7—11 meet every other Sunday evening, 6 PM—7:30 PM

Code of Conduct

We expect both students and parents to be kind, and we ask that parents be on time with drop-

offs and pickups. Students who misbehave will be given a verbal warning on the first offense. A

second offense will require meeting with the director. A third offense will require a parent to

accompany the student in class to model correct behavior.